Understanding the Role of a Work Cover Lawyer

Dealing with workplace accidents and injuries can be difficult, but hiring a work cover lawyer can help to ease the stress and secure the compensation you deserve. Work cover lawyers specialise in work injury compensation claims and can guide you through the legal process to ensure that you are properly compensated for any injuries sustained at work. In this blog post, we’ll explore the important role a work cover lawyer plays in fighting for your rights and help you understand the benefits of hiring one should you ever find yourself in need of legal advice or representation. [Read More]

Estate Planning For Unmarried Partners: Know Your Rights

In Australia, estate planning when you're unmarried partners presents unique challenges. It's important to understand your legal rights, as doing so protects your partner in the event that something happens to you.  Estate Planning and De Facto Relationships A de facto relationship is one that exists between two people who live together but are not married. This includes same-sex couples. In the absence of marriage, you may need to take additional steps to ensure your estate is divided as you expect in the event of your death. [Read More]

Disputing The Content Of A Deceased Estate: What You Need To Know

When someone close to you dies, this typically leads to a mourning period. However, it can sometimes lead to some consternation, especially if you feel you have not been properly accounted for within their will. In this case, you may be thinking about disputing the content of their deceased estate, but is this possible? How could you go about it? What Is a Deceased Estate? A deceased estate is all money and property owned by someone who has passed away. [Read More]

Four Ways Your Solicitor Can Help You With Pet Laws And Disputes In Australia

There are many laws that apply to pets in Australia, and sometimes disputes arise. If you have a dispute with your neighbour or someone who is not your pet's owner, a solicitor can help you resolve the issue. Here are four ways your solicitor can help you with pet laws and disputes in Australia: 1) Pet Ownership Laws Sometimes people have disputes over pets; whether it be ownership, damages, or liability issues, your solicitor can assist with resolving any disputes. [Read More]